SA Heritage Places

Dataset Number1576
Dataset TitleSA Heritage Places
CustodianData Authority: Department for Housing and Urban Development
Joint Custodian: Department for Environment and Water
Data Provider: Department for Housing and Urban Development


DescriptionThe SA Heritage Places Database is a comprehensive listing of State Heritage Places from the South Australian Heritage Register, Local Heritage Places from South Australian Development Plans and Representative Buildings (previously known as Contributory Items) from South Australian Development Plans. The data identifies heritage places. It records information from the South Australian Heritage Register or Development Plans about each place/item such as address, description, criteria for listing, plan/parcel/title etc. It also records information about how accurately each place/item was located, associated AS2482 codes, valuation number, Local Government Area (LGA) and Development Plan name.
UsageProvides the type and location of heritage items. Polygons are indicative only.

Data Quality

LineageState Heritage Places - DPTI links directly to DEWNR's database and extracts/reads the information required. The Heritage Branch of DEWNR provides DPTI with aerial photography or site plans of each individual State Heritage Place, with the outline of the complete site shaded/highlighted. DPTI then uses this information to digitise the site footprint and record a point location within each footprint. Local Heritage Places and Representative Buildings Items are taken from the Development Plans for each LGA. Initially the items were extracted to a dbf and geocoded to 2004 DCDB and Valuation data and checked by the appropriate council and rechecked by DPTI staff. All current places/items in South Australia have been added although not all have been able to be verified with local councils. All new Local Heritage Places and Representative Buildings Items are now captured as a part of the DPA process and the resulting datasets are used to produce the listings and maps for the Development Plans.
CompletenessThe textual database contains all heritage places/items in the state. A number of Local Heritage Places and Representative Buildings Items were unable to be mapped because it was not possible to obtain a reasonable estimate of the location from the relevant local council.
Positional AccuracyThe majority of the sites recorded are accurate to land parcel based on returned data from Local Councils and the State Heritage Unit of DEWNR. The locations of the State Heritage Places have been checked and verified by the State Heritage Unit. Local Heritage Places and Representative Buildings Items have been located by reference to addresses and certificate of titles listed in the Development Plan and DPTI have endeavoured to have the positional accuracy verified by appropriate local council. An accuracy code has been added to all sites to indicate the positional accuracy and source of the site. Where DPTI are identified as the source, it has not been possible to obtain verification from the local council. Sites with a high accuracy code have been matched using a number of possible sources such as valuation information, air photographs and confirmed by council.

Geographic Extent

Extent NameSouth Australia
Min Easting or Longitude129
Min Northing or Latitude-38.25
Max Easting or Longitude141
Max Northing or Latitude-26

Dataset Status

Initially Acquired01-OCT-2002
Last UpdatedCURRENT
Update FrequencyAs required
Maintenance MethodData capture of all State Heritage Places, Local Heritage Places and Representative Buildings Items has been completed. New State Heritage Places are added as they become Provisionally approved on the South Australian Heritage Register and DEWNR informs DPTI of the location of newly entered places. New Local Heritage Places and Representative Buildings Items are added as new council DPAs are interim authorised and/or approved.
AusGOALCC BY (Attribution)


TableNameField AliasData TypeDescription
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWHERITAGENR BinaryUnique ID allocated by Oracle, also referred to as DPTI ID
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWPARLOCATION CharacterConcatenation of the address fields (UNITNR, STREETNR, STREETNAME, STREETTYPE, ADDRESS2 & SUBURB). Nb the field name may get truncated to PARLOCATIO
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWUNITNR CharacterUnit number as recorded in development plan/SA Heritage Register
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSTREETNR CharacterStreet number as recorded in development plan/SHR
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSTREETNRSORT NumberNumerical field introduced so the records can be sorted numerically by street number
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSTREETNAME CharacterStreet name as recorded in development plan/SHR
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSTREETTYPE CharacterStreet type as recorded in development plan/SHR
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSTREETSUFFIX CharacterStreet suffix as recorded in development plan/SHR
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWADDRESS2 CharacterAny other additional address information recorded in Development Plans/SA Heritage Register
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSUBURB CharacterLegal suburb that is generated using ArcGIS and legal suburbs boundary or for State Heritage Places as it is recorded in the SA Heritage Register
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWDETAILS CharacterName/description of the heritage place/item being listed as recorded in Development Plans/SA Heritage Register
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWEXTENTOFLISTING CharacterExtent of listing of the place/item being listed, as recorded in the Development Plan (Local Heritage Places only). This field is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWHERITAGECLASS1 CharacterLevel of protection: S = State Heritage Place, L = Local Heritage Place or C = Representative Buildings (formally Contributory Items in Development Plans). Nb the field name may get truncated to HCLASS1
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWHERITAGECLASS1DESC CharacterDescription field for HERITAGECLASS1. Nb the field name may get truncated to HCLASS1DES
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWHERITAGECLASS2 CharacterSome places are protected twice, ie, State Heritage Place and Local Heritage Place if so, the secondary class is entered in this field. Nb the field name may get truncated to HCLASS2
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWHERITAGECLASS2DESC CharacterDescription field for HERITAGECLASS2. Nb the field name may get truncated to HCLASS2DES
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSHRCODE NumberSA Heritage Register's unique identifier code (sometimes called Heritage Branch Id or 'Doccode')
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSHRSTATUSCODE CharacterIndicates the status of the State Heritage Place. REG = registered, PRO = provisionally registered, REM = removed. This item is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSHRSTATUSDESC CharacterProvides a description of the STATUSCODE field. This item is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSHRSTATUSDATE DateDate that the last recorded STATUSCODE update occurred for a State Heritage Place. Nb this field may get truncated to SHRSTADATE
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWCOUNCILREF CharacterReferencing system the council uses for each heritage place/item (if applicable)
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWCODE NumberLGA wide unique code (related to the idcode)
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWIDCODE CharacterStatewide unique code given to each heritage place/item
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWAS2482 NumberAustralian Standard landuse classification code
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWAS2482DESC CharacterDescription field of the AS2482 code
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWLOCATIONACCURACY CharacterLevel of accuracy that the heritage place/item has been mapped with (H=high, L=low, U=unlocatable). Nb the field name may get truncated to ACCURACY
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWACCURACYDESC CharacterDescription field for LOCATIONACCURACY. Nb the field name may get truncated to ACCDESC
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSOURCEOFDATA CharacterIndicates who has checked/verified the locational accuracy (DPTI=Dept for Planning and Local Government, C=council, SHB=State Heritage Branch). Nb the field name may get truncated to SOURCEDATA
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWINTERIMDATE DateDate the Local Heritage Place or Representative Buildings Item came INTO interim effect. Nb the field name may get truncated to INTDATE
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWINTERIMPARREF CharacterDPTI docket associated with the interim effect. Nb may get truncated to INTPARREF
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWINTERIMPARNAME CharacterName of the DPA the local heritage place or Representative Buildings item came INTO interim operation in
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWAUTHORISATIONDATE DateDate the local heritage place or Representative Buildings item was approved. Nb the field name may get truncated to AUTHDATE
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWAUTHPARREF CharacterDPTI docket associated with the approval
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWAUTHPARNAME CharacterName of the DPA the local heritage place or Representative Buildings item came INTO authorisation under
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWPOLYGONTYPE CharacterWhether the heritage place/item has been captured at: P (DCDB parcel level)SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; B (Building footprint)SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; D (Digitised)SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; S (Parcel that has been split because 2 or more heritage places/items are in one parcel). Nb this field may get truncated to POLYTYPE
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWPOLYGONTYPEDESC CharacterDescription field for POLYGONTYPE. Nb the field name may get truncated to POLYDESC
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWLOCALITY CharacterSA Heritage Register data field used in addition to Suburb, particularly important for out of councils areas where there are no suburbs
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWPUBLICCOMMENTS CharacterComments made about individual heritage places/items that are made available to the public. This field is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWDEVPLANDESC CharacterName of the Development Plan that the heritage place/item is currently located in. Nb the field name may get truncated to DEVPLNDESC
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSECTION23S CharacterSection 23 criteria the Local Heritage Place fits (data is only entered for Local Heritage Places)
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSECTION16S CharacterSection 16 criteria the State Heritge Place fits (data is only entered for State Heritage Places)
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWPLANPARCELS CharacterCertificate of titles and plan/parcel references relating the heritage place/item - as included in the Development Plan
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWVALUATIONS Character2006 Valuation/assessment numbers that the heritage place/item covers (generated using ArcGIS and Property Cadastre coverage). This item is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSUBJECTINDEX CharacterSubject/index category the State Heritage Place falls under (obtained from the SA Heritage Register). This item is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System
LANDADMIN.HERITAGE_*_VWSIGNIFICANCE CharacterStatement of Heritage Significance of a State Heritage Place (data is only entered for State Heritage Places). This field is only available online via the Heritage Database Search System

Contact Information

OrganisationDepartment for Housing and Urban Development
Planning and Land Use Services
Postal Address83 Pirie Street